Upcoming Meetings: 2024

April begins the Eugenia Chapter’s always interesting, informative, and fun yard walks. We will be visiting several new yards in different neighbors and revisiting some of those viewed in the past. We will be able to see what our members have chosen to do with their yards and why they selected specific native plants. We all have different objectives and favorite plants, but all the yards offer us inspiration and motivation to GET OUT THERE AND DO IT! Revisiting yards gives us the opportunity to marvel over the successes and address planting failures (we ALL have those!). If you have a yard you think our members would like to see, or have a special request regarding someone else’s property, please let us know.

The next meeting of the Eugenia Chapter will be on Thursday, April 18, 2024 at 5:30pm at the property of Carol and Wayne Thomas located at 7355 41st St., Vero Beach. This property is a 5 acre parcel previously used for citrus and cattle production. Come and see the native plant transformation that has taken place in 3 years. You will be surprised!

The meeting will end with an auction of native plants and plant-related items donated by members.

From October through March, the Chapter usually will meet on the third Thursday of the month at 6pm in the Lagoon Room of the Environmental Learning Center, 255 Live Oak Drive, Vero Beach.